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Republican & Conservative Parties Pick Buschman for Family Court Judge


The Republican Party has made its pick for family court judge.

Steve Buschman has been practicing law in Cayuga County for 26 years.  He will now run against Democrat-backed Kristin Garland to fill the newly created position.

In an effort to address the backlog of cases and delays in the court system, Governor Kathy Hochul signed legislation earlier this month to add 28 new judges to the state’s court system. This includes the new position in Cayuga County.

The local Conservative party has also endorsed Buschman.

Conservative Party Chairman David Pappert states “We were proud to have endorsed Steve Buschman for Auburn City Court Judge in 2018. Despite a huge enrollment disadvantage, Steve came within 300 votes of defeating the Democrat candidate. We know with his experience, temperament, and integrity, Steve will be successful in this important county wide race.”

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