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Lemondes Blames “Anti-Business Policies” for Auburn Bakery Closure


Assemblyman John Lemondes is reacting to the news that Bimbo Bakeries is closing its Auburn location.

Lemondes blames the closure announcement on what he calls the “rising production costs and anti-business policies pushed by downstate politicians.”

“What we’re seeing take place in Auburn right now is playing out all across New York,” said Lemondes. “State Democrats have consistently pushed policies that have driven production costs up and innovative businesses out of our state. Companies like Bimbo Bakeries created well-paying jobs in Auburn, which will now be gone thanks to the anti-business policies pushed by the Majority. Until we get our act together, we will continue to see states like Florida and Texas take the lead. New York deserves better than this. It’s time for the Majority to get its priorities straight.”

Last week, it was announced that Bimbo Bakeries would close two New York locations, its Auburn facility on September 6 and its Olean facility in November. In its closure announcement, the company cited reduced capacity in the manufacturing network as the reason for the closures.

The news of the closure was sudden with Mayor Jimmy Giannettino stating at Thursday’s city council meeting that his office wasn’t informed the facility would close until earlier that day.

The Auburn bakery employs 49 employees while the Olean location employs 82.

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