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Deadline Extended for Weedsport NY Forward Project Submissions


Weedsport residents now have more time to submit projects for possible inclusion in the village’s NYForward application.

Javier Zavelata is the planner with the Cayuga County Planning & Economic Development Department assisting the village with its grant application. Speaking with Finger Lakes News Radio, Zavelata said he is extending the deadline for project submissions to September 18. He had previously asked that all submissions be made by the end of August.

Zaveleta explained he made the change after being informed that New York State has set the deadline for grant applications to mid-October as opposed to September when they’re normally due. This gives the village and planning department more time to finalize their application for the $4.5 million grant.

Similar to the Downtown Revitalization Initiative, NY Forward grants are designed to help smaller rural communities that may not be large enough for DRI funding to revitalize their downtowns.

New for this year, NY Forward applicants must be designated as pro-housing communities, something the village has already achieved.

To assist residents, Zavelata will be at two public meetings for residents to learn more about the submission and application process. He will also provide updates on the application process. Both meetings will be held at the village offices with the first taking place Wednesday at 6:00p and the second taking place at 6:30p on August 22.

Anyone interested in submitting a project can find application information here. Anyone with questions or who is in need of assistance can email Zavelata at [email protected].

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