Auburn City Council got a closer look at the plans to improve pedestrian safety at Seward Elementary School.
At Thursday’s City Council meeting, Assistant Civil Engineer Scott McIntyre with the engineering department and Police Sergeant Greg Gilfus gave a presentation on proposed changes to the intersection of Mary Street and Metcalf Drive.
Sergeant Gilfus believes the proposed changes will improve safety for everyone in the area.
“We wanted to increase the safety of everyone involved, not just the school children being dropped off and picked up, but the general traffic going through the area.”
Plans include aligning the student drop-off exit with Mary Street, creating a four-way stop at the intersection of Mary Street and Metcalf Drive, limiting on-street parking between 7:00-9:00a and 2:00-4:00p, and replacing the crosswalk on Metcalf Drive between Mary Street and Kearny Ave with crosswalks at the intersection.
Last year, a child was struck by a car while crossing the street at the crosswalk.
A Council resolution is needed to change the intersection to a four-way stop and to add no parking signs on Metcalf Drive.
A public hearing on the proposed changes will take place at Thursday’s City Council Meeting along with a first reading of the resolution. A vote is anticipated to take place at the August 22 meeting.
The proposed changes to the city’s traffic laws would work in conjunction with Capital Improvement Project work taking place at the school.
Work is currently underway to add a new parking lot between the Pop Warner football field and the west side of the school with a loop allowing parents to drop off their children. The loop’s exit would align with Mary Street.
The full presentation can be viewed here.
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