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City Clerk Mason: 2024 Auburn Youth Summer Rec Program Huge Success


Auburn’s Youth Summer Recreation program was a huge success.

Speaking on FLX Morning with Ted Baker, City Clerk Chuck Mason said that, while final numbers aren’t in, attendance this year doubled over last year, something he credits to community support.

“[We] practically doubled attendance in 2024 from the previous year, 202,3 so we can’t say enough, and the sponsorships that came out from the community really helped to make that happen. We were able to do a great job of getting the word out and offer the kids many activities throughout the summer.”

Program Coordinators Brian Rhodes and Meg Gremli are currently surveying parents and will give a formal presentation on this year’s program at the City Council’s September 5 meeting.

2024’s summer rec program ran from July 9 through August 15. Previously speaking with Finger Lakes News Radio, Rhodes said the program saw returning activities such as culinary lessons expanded with new programs such as swimming lessons, wildlife presentations, and a BMX expo added for 2024.

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