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Some Families to Receive $330 Per Child from State


New York State is delivering approximately $350 million in supplemental payments to low- and moderate-income families statewide through the Empire State Child Credit program. More than 1 million families will receive this financial assistance without any need to apply, as each eligible family will receive a direct payment of up to $330 per child. The payment continues Governor Kathy Hochul’s efforts to address the cost of living for working New Yorkers.

“We’re putting money back in the pockets of more than a million New Yorkers because this administration delivers for working families,” Governor Hochul said. “Our work is far from over. From expanding tax credits to increasing access to child care assistance, I’ll never stop fighting to address the cost of living for working parents and help them create a brighter future for their kids.”

The Empire State Child Credit is a refundable tax credit for income-qualified New Yorkers with children. In 2023, Governor Hochul and the State Legislature expanded the Empire State Child Credit to include children under four, benefitting an estimated 600,000 additional children per year. Earlier this year, the more than 1 million families eligible for the Empire State Child Credit began to receive hundreds of millions of dollars in tax credits based on their 2023 tax filings.

Tuesday’s announcement will deliver a supplemental payment to those eligible families, in addition to the 2023 tax credit they have already received. Supplemental payments range from 25 percent to 100 percent of the amount of a taxpayer’s Empire State Child Credit received for tax year 2023. The percentage depends on income. More information is available here.

Eligible taxpayers do not need to do anything to receive this one-time additional payment. Taxpayers who received an Empire State Child Credit of at least $100 on their 2023 state tax returns will receive a check in the mail. The Tax Department will begin mailing checks in the first week of August and continue for several weeks.

The Empire State Child Credit supplemental payments are the result of an agreement reached earlier this year between Governor Hochul, Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and passed by the State Legislature.

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