It will now be easier for New Yorkers to understand proposed constitutional amendments and other questions put to voters on ballots in New York State. Under legislation signed into law on Friday by Governor Kathy Hochul, proposed amendments and other ballot measures must be explained in plain and clear language that allows voters to understand the practical impact of adopting or rejecting the measure they are being asked to vote on.
Legislation S.1381A /A.1722B requires questions, including proposed constitutional amendments that are submitted to a public statewide vote to be written in plain language. The bill sets a standard for all ballot language to be written at or below an eighth-grade reading level, and to be written in a Yes or No format, so all citizens have a fair opportunity to “confidently cast their ballots.”
“Generations of Americans have fought for the right to vote, and New York is doing our part to ensure access to the ballot box is fair and equitable,” Governor Hochul said. “I proudly signed the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act of New York into law last year, and am pleased to enact this new legislation which will ensure New Yorkers are informed and protected when they cast their vote on proposed constitutional amendments.”