A nearly $14 million initiative to advance clean hydrogen research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) projects was announced on Friday by Governor Kathy Hochul. The first round of funding makes up to $8 million available for projects that address the challenges of decarbonizing industrial process heat and advancing clean hydrogen production and renewable energy integration.
Through the first round, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) is seeking applicants comprised of single entities or teams to compete for funding under two technical challenge areas including hydrogen applications to decarbonize industrial process heat and clean hydrogen production and integration with renewable energy. Proposals will be accepted in the following categories:
Category A: Feasibility and Research Studies – Conduct preliminary research into the concepts underlying new products, systems, strategies, or services as a first stage of development that are necessary to ultimate product development and commercialization.
Category B: Product Development – Advance efforts that are crucial to the development of a marketable technology product, system, strategy, or service and any testing or validation of an innovation that is not already commercially available and may lead to the commercialization of products manufactured in New York State.
Category C: Pilot and Demonstration Projects – Demonstrate and test innovative technologies, systems, strategies, or services that require testing to reach commercialization or are already commercially available but have not yet gained industry acceptance or significant deployment in New York State.
Category D: Federal Cost Share Projects – Provide New York-based companies funding to achieve Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), DOE, US National Laboratory, or other federal funding award cost-sharing requirements, and increase the likelihood of successful company development and technology commercialization. Projects must still support the challenge areas for each round.
Applications for Round One will be accepted through 3:00 p.m. on October 23, 2023. For additional information and associated documents, visit NYSERDA’s website here.
“New York State is leading the nation in advancing clean hydrogen technologies and we are committed to staying ahead of the curve in this new industry,” Governor Hochul said. “Through our support for emerging innovation in the hydrogen field, we are solidifying our leadership position in developing this alternative fuel to help reduce emissions, create the jobs of the future in our state, and secure a healthy and sustainable New York for generations to come.”
Round Two, anticipated to open later this year with up to $5.8 million available, will build on Round One with three new technical challenge areas to include mitigation of nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from hydrogen combustion, hydrogen storage technologies and hydrogen-based generation systems for microgrids and grid support services.