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Governor to Host Youth Mental Health Summit on Thursday


On Thursday,  Governor Kathy Hochul will convene a Youth Mental Health Summit expected to host over 1,000 participants. The summit follows a statewide Youth Mental Health Listening Tour aimed at exploring the issues impacting the mental health of youth throughout New York State. At these listening sessions- the first of which was held in New York City— adolescents were asked to discuss how the pandemic impacted their mental health; the evolving role social media has played in their lives; how schools can promote wellness among their students; the types of mental health programs they could envision helping them at school; and the advice they’d give to their peers struggling with mental health issues.  

The Summit will bring together a broad array of national subject matter experts and stakeholders from the mental health, education, technology, and law enforcement fields to further discuss the challenges and experiences impacting the well-being of our youth, including the role social media plays in their lives. The goal of the Summit is to further explore and advise on future policy initiatives that can help tackle the youth mental health crisis. 

Panel and session titles include:

  • The State of Our Youth: Growing Up in the Social Media Era
  • Classroom Well-being: A Discussion on Student and Educator Mental Health
  • Finding Balance and Safety on Social Media: Is it Possible?
  • The Power of Families and Communities
  • Social and Emotional Learning: Pathway to Healthy, Caring, and Successful Students

Click here to view the virtual program, which includes the schedule for the day, information on our speakers, and a helpful FAQ.  

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