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DEC: Don’t Wait to take Hunter Education Course


As New Yorkers await the start of fall hunting seasons, the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is reminding first-time hunters that they must complete a hunter education course before buying a hunting license.

The DEC offers in-person and online safety courses that cover such topics as firearm and crossbow safety, hunting laws and regulations, and hunter ethics. A calendar of in-person classes can be found here. More information on courses and how to register online can be found on the DEC’s website.

In order to take the course, students must be at least 11 years old and those under 16 must have a signed permission slip from their parents or guardians to handle and shoot firearms during an in-person course course.

The minimum age to hunt in New York is 12.

Additionally, a bowhunter education course is required to use a bow to hunt deer or bear in New York.

In-person courses are being offered throughout the state throughout August, September, and October. We have a link to upcoming courses on FLDN.com.

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