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DEC Advice for a Safe Eclipse Viewing


With less than a month before the total solar eclipse makes its way across the Finger Lakes and beyond, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is sharing tips to stay safe while watching the rare event.

“A total solar eclipse is one of the most captivating natural wonders on Planet Earth. In four weeks, New Yorkers from Chautauqua to the Adirondacks will have a front-row seat to this rare celestial event,” said Commissioner Basil Seggos. “DEC, in partnership with New York State partner agencies, encourages eclipse viewers to prioritize safety by observing all rules and regulations, and at all times, to be respectful of others and our shared environment.”

First, the DEC is reminding everyone they need to wear eclipse glasses to properly view the eclipse. Using regular sunglasses is not safe.

Additionally, with traffic expected to increase for the eclipse, motorists are advised to be safe and not to park on a roadway to view the eclipse. Instead, the DEC is recommending attending one of the many eclipse viewing events taking place across the state.

While the DEC is discouraging viewing the eclipse from state lands such as the Adirondack High Peaks due to muddy conditions, they are reminding those who plan on going to state lands that all normal rules and regulations remain in effect, including the state’s burn ban.

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