While the holidays are typically a time of joy and cheer, preparing for them can be stressful and overwhelming. This year, there is added pressure with Thanksgiving falling later on the calendar providing less than four weeks for holiday shopping until Christmas. It’s a tradition for many people to shop on Black Friday, when stores and parking lots are very crowded leading to distractions and even road rage.
“Often times, the stress and distractions of the shopping season impact drivers who are looking for the perfect gift or an open parking spot,” said Elizabeth Carey, director of public relations at AAA Western and Central New York. “These frustrations can become dangerous when drivers take their anger out on other drivers. AAA is asking everyone to use caution and drive as safely as possible.”
Unfortunately, aggressive driving is all too common among U.S. drivers. A recent report by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety identified six types of drivers by analyzing risky driving behaviors. The most common dangerous behaviors were speeding, distracted driving, and aggressive driving. The report also found that the majority of drivers perceived unsafe driving behaviors as very or extremely dangerous, yet many admitted to these behaviors behind the wheel. No matter where drivers are traveling, they should avoid road rage, which includes purposefully tailgating; yelling at another driver; honking; making angry gestures; trying to block another vehicle from changing lanes; cutting off another vehicle on purpose; getting out of the vehicle to confront another driver; and bumping another vehicle on purpose.
AAA offers these tips to help prevent road rage during this shopping season: