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$33.5 Million Investment Made for NY’s LGBTQ+ Community


With Pride month coming to an end, New York State announced the availability of $33.5 million to increase support for LGBTQ+ New Yorkers, including additional investments in the transgender, non-binary and gender non-conforming communities that expand and build on the progress of the Lorena Borjas Transgender and Non-Binary Wellness and Equity Fund.

The FY 2024 Budget includes $20 million for LGBTQ+ affirming senior housing projects, $5 million of which is specifically for gender affirming housing projects that support transgender, gender non-conforming, and non-binary individuals. The investment also includes $12.5 million to help the American LGBTQ+ Museum secure a new, permanent home at the New-York Historical Society, as well as $1 million in youth suicide prevention funding to support TGNCNB New Yorkers.

Thursday’s announcement highlights $20 million included in the FY 2024 Budget to be made available for LGBTQ+ affirming senior housing projects through New York State Homes and Community Renewal, $5 million of which will be specifically for gender affirming housing projects that support TGNCNB individuals. This funding recognizes that older LGBTQ+ New Yorkers face distinct challenges in accessing affordable and affirming housing and often have concerns about being mistreated by housing providers and neighbors alike.  

This increase expands state agency funds serving the TGNCNB community to $3 million for FY 2024, building upon the Lorena Borjas Transgender and Non-Binary Wellness and Equity Fund. This additional funding, which represents a 50% increase in state agency allocations toward this important program, will be aimed at community-based agencies working to lower the suicide risk for young TGNCNB New Yorkers at a critical time, as recent research suggests the suicide rate among transgender individuals is approximately three and a half times that of the general population.  

Governor Hochul’s FY 2024 budget also includes $7.5 million in capital funding to help the American LGBTQ+ Museum secure a new, permanent home. The LGBTQ+ Museum will be located at the New-York Historical Society, occupying the top floor of a new multi-story wing that is currently under development. Earlier this month, Governor Hochul announced an additional $5 million award for the New-York Historical Society through the New York State Council on the Arts’ Large Capital Improvement Grants program. The NYSCA grant will support the ongoing expansion project and the creation of the LGBTQ+ Museum, which is slated to open in 2026.

“As other states work to strip away the rights of LGBTQ+ people, New York is more committed than ever to protecting, supporting, and uplifting this community,” Governor Hochul said. “From mental health care to supportive housing, my administration is working tirelessly to find holistic solutions to address the inequities and injustices faced by LGBTQ+ New Yorkers and will continue working to address the unique challenges facing the trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming community.”

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