A Geneva man was ticketed following for failure to yield the right of way following a two-car accident Sunday afternoon.
82-year-old Walter Gage is accused of striking a car driven by 37-year-old Steven Faulkner, of Bath, at the intersection of County Road 6 and White Springs Road at around 1:30 p.m. Gage and his wife, Joan, were taken to Strong Memorial Hospital for non-life threatening injuries. A passenger in Faulkner’s car, 39-year-old Ashley John, of Bath, was taken to Geneva General Hospital for minor injuries. Faulkner was not injured.
Gage will appear in Geneva Town Court at a later date to answer the charge.
White Springs, and Geneva Fire Departments responded to the scene as did Fingerlakes, Phelps and North Seneca Ambulance. The Ontario County Sheriff’s Office investigated the accident.