Bus driver shortage and possible remote instruction for secondary students
Dear Waterloo Families,
Like many neighboring districts in our area and across the country, we are facing a serious bus driver shortage. A week ago, we were fairly certain we would have to turn to remote instruction. We were fortunate that the transportation department split bus runs and we were able to get all students to school.
In the event we do not have enough drivers for all bus runs, we have prioritized bringing our younger students to school for in person learning. Secondary students would be remote in this scenario.
We have begun to plan for remote instruction days for secondary students. The current plan anticipates that elementary students will still have regular classes in school. Elementary bus pick-up and drop-off times will be adjusted for altered bus runs to get all elementary students to and from school.
School for secondary students on remote days will be synchronous. This means that students will use their school devices to log onto Teams meetings for each period of their school day. They will meet virtually with their teachers. Attendance will be taken during each period. We will review this information with our secondary students during advisement January 30th – February 3rd.
If you do not have internet capabilities at your home, please contact your child’s Building Principal to determine an alternate plan for instruction that day.
Secondary students, as always, should bring their devices home nightly.
If all goes well, we will not have to move our secondary students to remote instruction and plan altered bus runs for elementary students. It is always our intention to have all of our students in person for learning every day.
Please be sure your information in Parent Square is correct so you receive emergency updates.
Thank you, as always for your continued support.
Terri Bavis