Yates County continues to move forward with the construction of its gigabit-capable fiber optic broadband network to reach unserved and underserved areas of the county. Project Manager Marian Walrath has been instrumental in helping guide the project along and securing more than $13 million. At Monday’s county Legislature meeting, County Administrator Nonie Flynn thanked Walrath for her work on the project dating back to 2020.
After receiving the recognition, Walrath addressed the County Legislature and thanked them for being supportive of the project.
“I think everybody in the county should realize that the Legislature truly has the vision that every resident and business in Yates County will get access to high-speed, affordable, and reliable high-speed broadband,” said Walrath.
Yates County Planner Jeff Ayers will now take over from Marian in her role.
The County has partnered with Empire Access as the Internet Service Provider to develop a mutually beneficial business arrangement for the operation of the network. On the Engineering front, the County partnered with New York Engineering Services to develop the detailed Plans and Specifications of the network design and build, and then to provide project oversight during the Construction phase. It is estimated that there are 1,635 premises within the service area.