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Montour Falls Awarded $175K in NYSERDA Funds


In the six years since the Village of Montour Falls first became a NYSERDA Clean Energy Community, the Village has worked diligently and consistently with NYSERDA to access resources and grants for projects that reduce energy use, save the Village money on energy, and engage the community in clean energy topics, tools, and programs.

A CLEAN Energy Community Schuyler Coordinator for the Southern Tier works closely with Mayor Jim Ryan and the Sustainability Committee to help us access grant funding for clean energy projects and earn recognition for implementing high-impact actions that increase resilience and economic opportunity in Montour Falls.

To date, Montour Falls has achieved the 9,000-points Clean Energy Community designation and grant awards ranging from $5,000 to $175,000. NYSERDA funding awarded to the Village over the past six years is $412,000. CEC Schuyler has supported Montour Falls in completing several CEC high-impact action items, including energy code enforcement training, LED streetlights, municipal electric vehicles and charging infrastructure, municipal building upgrades, and community campaigns that promote clean energy technologies and programs.

On July 10, the Village was awarded a $175,000 grant for energy improvements. This brings the total amount funded by NYSERDA to over $400,000. The Village will use the funds to purchase an electric truck for the water department and construct a 100kV solar array to power the electric pumps used by the Village water system. This engineered project is estimated to save taxpayers up to $750,000 over the next 25 years.

“The Village hopes to decrease municipal energy use and ultimately save money for taxpayers.” stated Mayor Jim Ryan, “It is my goal to reduce our municipal energy usage by investing our grant dollars toward high-return projects, reducing both costs and greenhouse gas emissions. The solar array is an efficient solution that will lower energy costs while ensuring a clear path to increased community-wide resiliency and a more inclusive green economy for everyone, especially for those historically underserved.”

Many communities that participate in the NYSERDA CEC) program are also registered or certified Climate Smart Communities (CSC) administered by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, which supports local efforts to meet the economic, social, and environmental challenges posed by climate change. Montour Falls is a regional leader as a bronze community.

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