On Monday, the Department of Public works will begin its annual spring cleaning of all City streets. Residents are encouraged to rake their tree lawns when the streets are posted and before the street cleaning has been performed. Raked materials should only be placed in the curb gutter. Any material raked into the gutter after street cleaning is performed will be removed at the property owner’s expense.
The Department of Public Works will begin cleaning and flushing the streets in the Collegetown area on Monday. The work is scheduled in conjunction with Cornell University’s Spring Break as there are fewer vehicles parked on the streets,
and fewer people are inconvenienced.
According to the city students leaving town for Spring Break should not leave vehicles parked on the street. All cars remaining on the streets designated to be cleaned will be ticketed by the Ithaca Police Department and towed from the street at the owner’s expense.
Daily work areas will be posted as “NO PARKING” 24 hours in advance of the time the work is scheduled to begin. The signs will display the date that the work will begin, and all vehicles must be removed from the street by 7:00 A.M. of that date. Vehicles remaining in the posted areas will be issued tickets and towed from the street. Vehicles may return to parking on the streets after the “No Parking” signs are removed by the DPW crew.
People in need of long-term parking arrangements can call the City Chamberlain’s Office at (607) 274-6580 to inquire about the availability of long-term parking permits in the Seneca Street Parking Garage. The full schedule of the street cleaning program can be found on the City’s website.