American Dirt Modified racing driver Steve Paine of Waterloo, who has earned over 325 feature events at 26 tracks. He captured 32 track championships, including 9 straight at the Canandaigua Speedway NY, from 2000 to 2008. Steve stands next to a car his father built.
Crowds strolled down Main Street in Waterloo Sunday to see the restored classic and antique autos, the hot rods, and stock cars that used to race at the fairgrounds, sports cars, vintage tractors, and of course the Woodies that come home every year to the village where they were manufactured.
It was the Wheels on Main Street Car Show, a favorite of the Celebrate/Commemorate Weekend.
All Photos By Greg Cotterill, Finger Lakes Daily News.
MONDAY, May 27th
8:00 – 10:00 Memorial Day Veterans Bike Rally Registration Waterloo VFW
10:00 Bike Rally – Kick Stands up! Waterloo VFW
12:00 – 5:00 National Memorial Day Museum Open E. Main Street
THURSDAY, May 30th
9:00 – 11:00 Military Services conducted at village cemeteries:
St. Mary’s, Maple Grove, & Elisha Williams
12:00 – 5:00 National Memorial Day Museum Open Main Street
6:00 Memorial Day Parade Main Street
6:30 Memorial Day Ceremonies Lafayette Park
Featured Speaker: Vincent J. (Jim) Troiola
Past National Commander American Legion 22-2