One local school budget failed to gain voter approval on Tuesday.
The clerk’s office with the Waterloo School District told Finger Lakes Daily News on Wednesday the proposed 2023-2024 budget failed by eight votes, 304-296. The district’s Board of Education will hold a special meeting on Thursday at 6:00 pm in the Middle School LGI Room for discussion of the 2023-2024 Budget. The 50.1-MILLION dollar spending plan carried a tax levy rate of 1.75 percent.
A proposition to purchase three passenger buses was approved 429-171 and another, the authorization to levy of a tax to provide $276,839.04 to the Waterloo Public Library and Historical Society, a 6.91% increase was given the green light by a vote of 338-262.
Christopher Felice (297), Patrick Tellier (290), and Jolynn Worden (243) all won three-year seats on the school board
For a look at more local school budget results, click here.