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Waterloo Memorial Day Veteran Bike Rally Cancelled


The 15th annual Waterloo’s Memorial Day Veterans Bike Rally scheduled for today has been cancelled due to unfavorable weather conditions.

The weekend celebration of Memorial Day in Waterloo ended yesterday.

Waterloo will commemorate the national holiday on the traditional date May 30th.

Waterloo is the Birthplace of Memorial Day.

From waterloony.com –

On March 7, 1966, the State of New York recognized Waterloo by a proclamation signed by Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller. This was followed by recognition from Congress of the United States when the House of Representatives and the Senate unanimously passed House Concurrent Resolution 587 on May 17th and May 19th, 1966 respectively. This reads in part as follows: “Resolved that the Congress of the United States, in recognition of the patriotic tradition set in motion one hundred years ago in the Village of Waterloo, NY, does hereby officially recognize Waterloo, New York as the birthplace of Memorial Day…”


THURSDAY, May 30, 2024
9:00 – 11:00 Military Services conducted at village cemeteries:
St. Mary’s, Maple Grove, & Elisha Williams
12:00 – 5:00 National Memorial Day Museum Open Main Street
6:00 Memorial Day Parade Main Street
6:30 Memorial Day Ceremonies Lafayette Park
Featured Speaker: Vincent J. (Jim) Troiola
Past National Commander American Legion 22-2

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