A total of seven officers were injured at the Five Points Correctional Facility in Romulus in a two-week period that also included several inmate-on-inmate fights and three incidents in which inmates threw feces and urine on officers from inside their cells.
According to the New York State Correctional Officers and Police Benevolent Association, between November 9 and November 22, there were seven incidents that occurred at the maximum-security correctional facility, including two in which the seven officers were injured.
On Tuesday, November 12, inmates were being escorted back to their cells from the mess hall. One inmate allegedly refused to lock back in his cell and turned toward two officers in a combative stance. The inmate was placed in a body hold and forced to the floor where he punched one officer in the face. The inmate fell onto the officer and attempted to choke him with his forearm pressed against his neck. The second officer attempted to pull the inmate off and was unsuccessful. Two additional officers arrived and utilized force to free the officer and apply handcuffs. Once in handcuffs, the inmate became compliant. He was brought to his feet and escorted out of the cell block for evaluation.
The officer initially assaulted suffered neck, facial, and back pain. He was transported to Geneva Hospital for treatment. The other three officers suffered wrist, arm, back and shoulder injuries subduing the inmate. They were treated by medical staff at the facility and remained on duty.
Three days later, two officers were injured breaking up an inmate-on-inmate fight in the mess hall. Initially, the inmates began exchanging punches. They both ignored orders to stop. A third inmate joined in the fight and staff needed to utilize OC spray. One inmate stopped fighting as the other two continued. Officers needed to utilize body holds to force the inmates apart and to the floor. Still combative on the floor, officers forced the inmates’ arms behind their backs and applied handcuffs. Once in handcuffs, all three inmates were escorted from the mess hall.
Two of the officers suffered injuries subduing the inmates. One officer suffered an upper arm injury and was transported to Geneva Hospital for treatment. The second officer suffered a leg
injury and was treated at the facility and remained on duty.
In addition to those two incidents, several officers had urine and feces thrown on them by inmates secured inside their cells. The officers were treated by medical staff at the facility for exposure and remained on duty.
The last incident occurred on Friday, November 22, and caused a laceration to an officer’s leg breaking up an inmate-on-inmate fight inside the mess hall during the morning meal. One inmate complied with the officer’s orders and stopped fighting. The second inmate, who remained combative, was placed in a body hold and forced to the ground after the OC spray was ineffective.
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