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Ontario County Wrapping Up Its Housing Needs Study


After a comprehensive year-long process, Ontario County is completing the county-wide Housing Needs Assessment with its consultant Urban Partners. The Housing Needs Assessment kicked off late last year with the purpose of providing data to stakeholders about the current housing stock and new construction activity, identifying existing and anticipated housing needs to highlight disparities between availability and need, identifying the factors contributing to that disparity, and developing strategies to address those factors.

Throughout its duration, the study process has incorporated various methods for collecting input from the community, including a housing survey completed by over 1,000 county residents, a series of interviews conducted with more than 50 county housing-related stakeholders, and multiple in-person workshops to present and discuss interim study findings. The study itself documents existing demographic, economic, and housing conditions; describes the sales, rental, and affordable housing markets, including both current and future supply and demand; identifies gaps in equitable access to safe, resilient, and reliable housing; and suggests opportunities for improving and expanding housing options.

The Needs Assessment will culminate with a series of four community meetings to be held throughout the county on September 11th and 12th. These meetings are open to the public and will review the study process and findings as well as describe goals, recommended strategies, and key action steps for addressing the housing challenges facing the county. The content presented and discussed will be the same for each meeting. All residents and stakeholders are welcome; the County kindly requests that interested participants RSVP to [email protected].
Meetings will be held on the following dates at the following locations:
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