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Ontario County Chamber Seeks New Home


The Ontario County Chamber of Commerce is planning to move from its home of almost 30 years.

The Ontario County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and President & CEO Ethan Fogg have announced that the Chamber will be listing its property at 113-117 S. Main Street in Canandaigua for sale.

The Chamber and its Board have determined that the organization, its members, and the community can be better served from a new location where the Chamber can focus more exclusively on member services and regional engagement while creating an endowment for the future.

The Chamber has been headquartered in its downtown location for almost 30 years and owns the building. The Board has been critically assessing its real estate for some time. Various considerations including the Chamber’s expanded scope and offerings – and market opportunities including those presented by the development of The Central on Main – make this the right time to transition to a new home.

Ethan Fogg, President & CEO, Ontario County Chamber of Commerce said, “A meaningful part of our team’s work as conveners and connectors is done in our communities, across the region. We have been evaluating our property, our operations, and our path forward for some time. This strategic decision allows the Chamber to be more agile, more resilient, and more attentive to the needs of our members and the communities we serve. We are a community partner in every sense of the word and we look forward to the new opportunities this move will unlock. I’m very excited about what this means for the future – for the Chamber and for the increasing potential of downtown Canandaigua.”

Michelle Pedzich, Chair of the Ontario County Chamber of Commerce said, “As part of our comprehensive strategic planning process, we have determined that selling our building and conservatively investing the proceeds will position us for a more sustainable and agile future. This will allow us to focus on continuing to provide and expand our value to our members and our community in Ontario County and the seven other counties in the Finger Lakes where we provide services.”

The Chamber is concurrently evaluating properties in Canandaigua for its future office, meeting, and partner space.

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