The Department Commander of the New York State American Legion will stop in the Finger Lakes on Friday.
Timothy Collmer, a U.S. Army Veteran, will spend the day meeting with members of the Seneca County American Legion. Collmer will be joined by Auxiliary President Karen St. Hilaire, and Detachment Commander Peter DeAngelis. The group will have lunch and dinner at Kirk-Casey American Legion Post 366 in Seneca Falls.
In between, they will tour the Seneca Museum of Waterways and Industry and the Wesleyan Chapel.
According to the New York American Legion’s website, during his one-year term, Collmer visits counties across the state to share the American Legion message of veteran advocacy and community involvement.
He spent 21 years in the Army and Army Reserves, serving in Korea and Texas as a Morse Code interceptor while on active duty, and then as a drill instructor and later as a commissioned officer in the reserves. A retired corrections officer, Collmer also worked as a service officer with Livingston County Veterans’ Services.
A member of Daniel Goho American Legion Post 87 in Dansville, Collmer has served in leadership positions on the Post, county, and state levels. He has been post commander, county commander and district commander. Most recently he has been dean of the American Legion College of New York. On the national level, he has served on the American Legion Internal Affairs Commission and as a facilitator at National American Legion College.
Active in the community, Collmer is a member of the Nunda Fire Department and the Dansville Moose, plus other veterans organizations, including Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6780 in Dansville and the AMVETS Post in Hornell.