A Mass Casualty Incident was declared Sunday following a car accident that injured six people in the village of Newark.
When Newark-Arcadia Emergency Medical Services EMTs responded with Newark Fire Department and Wayne County EMS to East Union Street they encountered more patients than the initial units could safely transport. EMS personnel then declared a “Mass Casualty Incident” to bring further resources to the scene.
A total of six ambulances and three ALS vehicles were on scene; two ambulances from Newark-Arcadia EMS, two ambulances and two ALS vehicles from Wayne County EMS, one ambulance and one ALS vehicle from Finger Lakes Ambulance and one ambulance from Williamson Volunteer Ambulance Service. An additional three ambulances were requested to stand by for this incident and potential calls in the area.
We do not have any information on what caused the accident, or the names and conditions of those involved.
EMTs were assisted additionally by Newark Fire, Newark Police, and Wayne County 911