The 20th Annual George Bailey Award, this year will be given to a father and son-Angelo and Bruce Bonafiglia.
Karolyn Grimes, Zuzu from the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life”, will honor the Bonafiglias with the award Saturday morning at 10 at Trinity Episcopal Church.
Angelo Bonafiglia died in 2021 at the age of 93. He started his first dental laboratory in downtown Seneca Falls.
Bruce officially joined BonaDent in 1975 and was named president of BonaDent in 1986. BonaDent now employs approximately 300 people.
The George Bailey Award was created by the IDEA Center for the Voices of Humanity in 2004 to honor an individual who embodies the spirit of George Bailey by consistently contributing to the lives of neighbors and without whom Seneca Falls would be a very different place.