In the movie “It’s A Wonderful Life” George Bailey’s family and friends collect $8,000 to keep him out of jail. George could have sold his car for a lot more. The 1919 Dodge Brothers Touring Car sold last January at auction for $522,000 dollars. Thousands of people visit Seneca Falls each December for the “It’s A Wonderful Life” Festival where they learn about the similarities between Seneca Falls and the movie’s Bedford Falls.
Yesterday Anwei Law from the “It’s A Wonderful Life Museum” welcomed the Dodge Brothers Club Members.
Another car like the original movie car, made it’s way to Seneca Falls Thursday along with 23-other early Dodge cars.
The 2023 Finger Lakes Relaxation Tour of Dodge Brothers Club has been visiting the Finger Lakes Region and the group traveled to Seneca Falls and paid a visit to the Bridge Street Bridge.
The cars were parked on the bridge, in downtown Seneca Falls, and at Sauder’s Store where the group had lunch.
It’s A Wonderful Life Museum Website
All Photos By Greg Cotterill, Finger Lakes Daily News