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Canandaigua City Councilmember Resigns; Replacement to be Appointed


Canandaigua City Council will have to appoint a new member following the resignation of Renee Sutton on Friday. Sutton who represented Ward Four and the City At-Large since 2018 stepped down for personal reasons, according to City Manager John Goodwin.

The vacant seat will be filled by a City Council appointment. The individual appointed will serve from the date of appointment until December 31, 2024. A Special Election for the remaining portion of the term will take place at the General Election in November 2024.

Anyone interested in being appointed is asked to submit a cover letter and a resume to the City Council care of the City Manager by August 18th. Interested individuals must be a resident of the City of Canandaigua for a period of at least one year prior to the appointment.

Interviews are tentatively scheduled to take place on the evening of August 29th.

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