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Village of Union Springs Plans 1st Fall Festival


The Village of Union Springs is preparing to hold its first Fall Festival.

Deputy Mayor Donna O’Hara told Finger Lakes News Radio that the event will take place from 12:00-4:00p on October 5 in the village’s downtown and feature local businesses, artisans, food, and music.

While not taking place until October, local residents and business can begin preparing now for two competitions that will take place at the frestival.

As part of the event, there will be a chili cook-off. To participate in the cook-off, participants must pre-register with the Cayuga County Health Department by September 21.

Additionally, submissions are now open for the local business scarecrow competition that will accompany the festival.

Businesses within the village are invited to pick a theme and create a scarecrow symbolizing that theme which will be placed on street poles leading up to the event. Judges will select a winner with the winning business receiving $500 worth of advertising on Classic Hits 99.3 and WAUB.

For the competition, scarecrows must be no taller than six feet and no wider than four feet. A nameplate must accompany the creation with the scarecrow’s name, theme, business name, and a brief explanation of how the scarecrow came to be. It’s also requested that competitors take pictures of the creation process.

Entries can be dropped off at the village office now through September 23.

For more information on either completion, contact O’Hara at [email protected].

O’Hara added that, while this is the first year the village is hosting its Fall Festival, officials hope to turn it into an annual event.

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