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United Way Launches Personal Care Drive Thursday


As part of its Day of Caring, Thursday is the kickoff of United Way of Cayuga County’s Personal Care Drive.

Julisa Stone with United Way’s Campaign & Marketing Manager. She told Finger Lakes News Radio that the drive, now in its seventh year, seeks to collect personal care and hygiene items that typically aren’t available through assistance programs.

“Those items are not covered by assistance programs, so our neighbors who are struggling to make ends meet are not able to access some of these items and a lot of times they’re considered luxury items,” said Stone.

Items being collected include shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes, mouthwash, dental floss, razors, shaving cream, laundry detergent, toilet paper, feminine products, hand soap, body soap, diapers, wipes, deodorant, dish soap, and tissues.

Stone added that once the drive is finished on October 15, United Way will partner with CAP’s Food Providers Network to distribute the items to Cayuga County food pantries, soup kitchens, and homeless shelters.

Drop-off locations are being set up throughout the county to make it more convenient for residents to donate. A list of current locations is available on United Way’s website. Stone added that the list will be updated as more locations join.

If you’d like more information on the drive or to sign up to host a drop-off box, you can contact Stone at 315-253-9741 or [email protected].

Now in its fourth year, the Day of Caring is an event put on by United Way where volunteers spend the day assisting nonprofits throughout the county with a series of jobs ranging from clerical work to landscaping.

As part of the Day of Caring, United Way is hositng a blood drive at Cayuga Community College from 10:00a-3:30p. To register to give blood, click here.

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