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Three Cayuga County Breweries Recognized by NYS Senate


Three Cayuga County breweries have been recognized by the New York State Senate for their contributions to their communities.

State Senator Rachel May has presented Aurora Brewing Company in Aurora, Lunkenheimer Craft Brewing Company in Weedsport, and Prison City Brewing in Auburn with the New York State Empire Awards. The awards recognize local businesses that make a positive impact in their communities by providing jobs, creating social spaces, and contributing to the cultural fabric of their municipalities and beyond.

For example, May noted that Lunkenheimer helped to breathe new life into the Weedsport business district when it transformed a former bank building into its brewery.

In her recognition, May pointed out that each brewery won awards at the 2024 New York State Craft Beer Competition as well.

Aurora Brewing Company. (Photo courtesy of Sen. Rachel May)
Lunkenheimer Brewing Company. (Photo courtesy of Sen. Rachel May)
Prison City Brewing (Photo courtesy of Sen. Rachel May)

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