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No Finger Lakes Mall Bus Shuttles To the Fair This Year


The Finger Lakes Mall wants the shuttles back.

Centro this year is not offering bus shuttle service from the Auburn area mall to the Great New York State Fair in Onondaga County.

In a Facebook post, the mall asks people to contact the bus company and share their frustrations about the lack of shuttle service.  According to the post, a shortage of drivers is the reason for Centro dropping the Cayuga County shuttle service.

A representative from Centro confirmed to Finger Lakes News Radio that, while Auburn has enough drivers to cover normal routes, the manpower isn’t there to offer the special routes to the fair.

Additionally, drivers from Syracuse would traditionally assist Auburn drivers for end-of-the-night shuttle runs to Auburn when there would be an influx of riders trying to get home as the fair closed. As Syracuse routes are understaffed, this can’t currently happen.

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