One local library will soon hold its annual meeting.
Lisa Semenza is the Director of the Hazard Library. Speaking with Finger Lakes News Radio, she said that the event will allow the public to learn about the past year at the library as well as its plans for the future.
“Every library is required to have an annual meeting each year and present annual reports to the public on our expenditures for the year, our income, and events that we’ve had,” said Semenza. “So, at our annual meeting, we’ll be doing those things.”
Semenza will also use the opportunity to recognize those who have left the library’s service or joined in the past year.
Aside from the regular topics, this meeting will allow library staff to update the public on the library’s planned move from its current location in Poplar Ridge to a new building next to Opendore in Sherwood.
Semenza said a foundation on the southern end of the property, which is part of the Howland Stone Store Museum, will serve as the base of the library.
“The museum has approached the library because we are in a very small 550 sq ft room and have been there for over 200 years,” she continued. “So they approached us and wanted to know if we wanted to build a building there at the southern end because there is a foundation there. That’s our footprint.”
It’s anticipated that the new structure will consist of two stories and measure just over 2,000 sq ft.
The library has been fundraising for the construction while working with the state on grant funding.
The meeting begins at 7:00p on April 18 at Opendore.