Could Auburn become the new home of the Central New York Welcome Center?
A bill by State Senator Rachel May would direct the Department of Economic Development to move the CNY Welcome Center from Destiny USA in Syracuse to the Equal Rights Heritage Center (ERHC) in Auburn. The department would contract with the city for the operation of the welcome center at the ERHC following the completion of existing contracts for the operation of the center at Destiny.
New York State Welcome Centers are designed to showcase historic, cultural, and recreational sites across the state and help visitors plan trips. The centers also host Taste NY markets, celebrating local foods.
In 2016, when then-Governor Andrew Cuomo announced plans to build 10 welcome centers across the state, initial plans put the CNY Welcome Center in Auburn; however, Syracuse got the site instead.
Despite not being selected as the site for the CNY Welcome Center, the ERHC opened its doors in 2018. It serves as a hub for visitors to the area and hosts events such as makers’ markets and fairs. There is also a Taste NY market on site.
Courtney Kasper is the ERHC’s Visitor Experience Manager. She previously told Finger Lakes News Radio that the center serves as a hub for not only the City of Auburn but the region and beyond.
“We’re kind of this one-stop shop,” Kasper said. “Even though we are in the City of Auburn, we’re promoting not only the city, the county, the region, but the state as well. You can see that in the events that we promote. You can see that in the brochures that we have.”
The ERHC celebrated its fifth anniversary on November 13, 2023.
The sponsor memo for the bill states, “This bill will help give the Equal Rights Heritage Center the recognition it deserves and fulfill a commitment made in 2016 by designating it the official Central New York visitors center…”
The bill is currently in the Senate’s Commerce, Economic Development, and Small Business Committee.