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APD Proposes $9.1M Budget, Includes Purchase of 7 New Vehicles


Auburn City Council got a look at the police department’s proposed budget Thursday.

Police Chief Jim Slayton was on hand to present APD’s $9.1 million proposal for the 2024-2025 fiscal year. An over $1 million increase compared to last year’s budget, Slayton explained the increase mainly comes from equipment costs and personnel. Equipment costs are increasing from $226,425 to #631,425 as the department looks to purchase seven new vehicles.

The chief also mentioned that there are six vacancies in the department’s 68 officer force necessitating overtime; however, filling those vacancies would reduce overtime costs. The department also employs seven Special Patrol Officers, seven civilians, and 15 crossing guards. He added that two individuals are currently undergoing field training with training ending at the beginning of May.

During the meeting, Slayton also gave statistics on calls for service in 2022 and 2023. While things like fraud and drug investigations increased from 2022 to 2023, overdose, suicide, and sex offense investigations all declined.

Slayton’s presentation kicked off a six-week series of budget presentations from the city’s department heads. Fire Chief Mark Fritz will be the next presenting, presenting the fire department’s proposed budget on Thursday, March 28.

You can view Slayton’s full presentation here.


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