1977 Route 414 Waterloo, NY
We are leading 4 upcoming events at the Seneca Meadows Education Center and/or the Seneca Meadows Wetland Preserve.
All on Saturdays: April 13, 20, 27, and May 4 are the dates. April 13 is a bird walk to see the first Bald Eagle to ever nest and breed at the Seneca Meadows Wetland Preserve. There is a young eaglet and it was seen being fed by its parent last Sunday, 4/7.
April 20 is a program run by Finger Lakes Composting. This will be at the Seneca Meadows Education Center. Learn about everything you ever wanted related to composting. Free takeaways are included.
April 27 is a walk through the Seneca Meadows Wetland Preserve and then reflecting on nature through journaling. Each attendee will receive a journal through Acorn Designs. You will keep the journal and if you do return on a future journaling activity, please bring this one with you!
May 4 is “Meet the Falcons!” This is also to be held at the Seneca Meadows Education Center. We have a flock of falcons which are used to chase gulls from the landfill on an occasional basis. Come learn about the fastest animals on Earth!
https://act.audubon.org/a/ny-2024-bird-walk-spring-migration-41324 April 13 Bird Walk
https://act.audubon.org/a/ny-2024-composting-workshop-42024 Finger Lakes Composting
https://act.audubon.org/a/ny-2024-spring-nature-journaling-42724 Spring Nature Journaling
https://act.audubon.org/a/meet-falcons Meet the Falcons!
If you have any questions, please contact us: Please visit our Facebook page under Facebook: Seneca Meadows Education Center.
CONTACT: Fred Leff at the Seneca Meadows Education Center. Call (315) 539-5089 or email [email protected]