WGVA 106.3FM 1240AMMix 98.5101.7 The WallWFLR Finger Lakes Country Classic Hits 99.3The Lake 100.1/104.5 WAUB 96.3FM 1590AM

Fri, Feb 9 at 7:00pm - Fri, Feb 23 at 8:30pm
Papa Bear Courthouse
Main St. Ovid, NY 14521

Once again, the Ovid Courthouse in the majestic refurbished Papa Bear will ring out with dramatic oratory, with a tale so compelling that you will be holding your breath for the outcome.

This will not be a trial but a three-part performance of Homer’s Odyssey by master storyteller Jay Lemming with the accompaniment by the Calliope Chorus held on three consecutive Friday nights, February 9, 16 and 23 from 7 to 830 pm. Attend as a series, or enjoy one-night of the tale. Storytelling is an art form, a tradition as old as humankind, and the way the Odyssey was originally kept alive. You will be part of that tradition.

The Odyssey is a wild sea-tale describing the journey of the warrior Odysseus home from the Trojan war, a journey involving angry sea-gods, floating cities, a gender-bending prophet from the Land of the Dead and (of course) the witch who holds the keys to the  underworld. This beautiful epic is itself a means of relation to the powers of wind and sea, death and the ancestors which surround us still,
its wondrous images the means by which the healing power of this story is conveyed to those who hear it.

This all-ages program is free, though seating limited. Please register by sending an email to [email protected]. This project is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrants Program, a regrant program of the NYSCA with support of the Office of the Governor and the NYS legislature; it is administered by Auburn Public Theater
