102 Cherry St, Ithaca, NY 14850
In this 2-hour class you’ll be introduced to key improv principles and we’ll play games so you can experience them in action. Designed for people with little to no improv experience to enjoy.
December 17, 2024 (Tuesday)
6 – 8 PM
The Cherry Artspace, Ithaca
At this event we’ll answer questions and announce upcoming classes, workshops, open jams, and performance opportunities so if you want more improv joy in your life, you’ll know where to go next.
For ages 16 and above.
*Benefits of Improv
-Increases personal confidence.
-Enhances creative thinking and decision-making skills.
-Improves public speaking
-Creates a culture of positivity, safety, and inclusion.
-Reduces stress and increases fun in your life!
Myth: Improv is about being funny.
Nope, improv is about showing up with openness and curiosity and putting your energy into being part of a team that works well together. A side effect of that process is genuine surprise and laughter.