The Village of Newark will celebrate this winter with a Snow Sculpture Contest. Snow Enthusiasts… Winter is here so let’s play! Gather your family and friends to show your snow sculpting skills.
Village Residents and Businesses are invited to create a snow sculpture anytime during the months of December and January and February.
Call (315)-226-8105 to enter and let us know you will be participating and Contest Judges will take a photo of your creation.
Best Residential Entry will receive $100
Best Business Entry will receive the Snowman Trophy and Pizza
Rules: Entry must be located in the Village of Newark. Build whatever you like! It’s up to you! Snow creation must be suitable for all audiences. Residential entries must be located on the property’s front lawn area in clear view from the road and may not block sidewalks or driveways. Business entries must be located in front of the business on lawn area, or on sidewalk (no more than 3 ft. from building), and may not block sidewalk or building entrance. Only food coloring can be used to color entry. No wood or metal framework can be incorporated in the structure of the snow sculpture. Sculptures should be of a non-interactive nature (this means no areas are intended for people to walk on, crawl, stand, sit under or climb.) Do not send your own photos.
Photos of entries will be judged on February 29th.