A press conference with the Actors from “It’s a Wonderful Life” will be held on Friday, December 13 at 10:00 am at 32 Fall St. Seneca Falls, NY. This is the original location of the “It’s a Wonderful Life” Museum which is currently being expanded. The backdrop will be an International Festival of Trees with ornaments and nativity sets from 50 countries as well as plans for the expansion of the Museum.
Present to welcome the press and visitors for the 78th Anniversary of “It’s a Wonderful Life” will be Karolyn Grimes (“Zuzu Bailey”), Jimmy Hawkins (“Tommy Bailey”) and Donald Collins (one of the twins who played young “Pete Bailey”).
Also present will be Victoria Wejko, Mrs. New York American 2024 who will help launch the national “Zuzu’s Petals Project.”
The expanded Museum, scheduled to open in recognition of the 80th Anniversary of the film in December 2026, will include an area where people can take a “Zuzu’s petal” – a symbol of hope – or make a “Zuzu’s petal” to leave as a symbol of hope for someone else.
The “Zuzu’s Petals” Project will be launched at the Press Conference asking for people from around the country to make “Zuzu’s Petals” for the expanded Museum. In this way they can provide hope to people they may not even know. These will be available in the expanded Museum for people to take with them.
During the Festival, there will be “Zusu’s Petals Stations” in five locations where people can be part of the process of spreading hope and the message of “It’s a Wonderful Life” about the value and equal importance of each individual.
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