Hobart and William Smith will host the performance of singers and dancers from Lithuania, who are visiting the U.S. as part of Rotary International Exchange Program. The show is free and open to the public and will begin at 7 p.m. on Sunday, March 26 in Albright Auditorium.
A dinner will be held prior to the performance at President Mark D. Gearan and Mary Herlihy Gearan’s house, 690 S. Main St. While visiting Geneva, the exchange students will also perform at Geneva High School on Monday, March 27.
Geneva Rotarian Dave Cook met the group while traveling in Lithuania and coordinated the performers’ visit to the Finger Lakes. The stop in Geneva is part of the group’s four-week visit to the U.S. as they are hosted by a series of Rotary Clubs across the country.
Cook says working with the group has been a rewarding experience. “It’s eye-opening to see how these youngsters look at the United States as the land of opportunity, something we take for granted.”